Dum Dum Motijheel Rabindra Mahavidyalaya (1968)

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Regd. u/s 2(f) and 12B of the U.G.C. Act., NAAC Accredited B+ | RUSA 2.0 Funded Institution

ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 | ISO 50001:2018 Certified Institution

Games & Sports

In the year 1968, our college was established. From the earlier days, our college has realized that co-curricular activities and sports are an important aspect of education. Keeping the motto in mind, our college has set up a sports committee aiming at development in the important, but often much neglected, aspect of sports and games which allows the students to focus their minds upon some recreation, having a momentary relief from their rigorous studies and stressful lives.

Our Sports Subcommittee, mostly composed of teachers & students, which is aimed for the students’ progression from all educational, physical, mental, social aspects, etc. This committee set up with many faculties and our students. This committee aims at a temporary relief from the stressful, mundane lives of the students and fills their days with bit of enjoyment and well-being. It also aims to set a moment of relief for the respected teachers of our college, also letting them to have a moment of joy. Our Sports’ Subcommittee is going to conduct a special course through which students who are interested in sports will be benefited with various kinds of job opportunities in the sports sector.

One of the objectives of the college is to develop a sports culture and enhance the efficiency of the sport-aspiring students. The college has earned much reputation in sports and games.

Future plan of sports subcommittee:

. We are going to arrange various indoor & outdoor games in our college which would also aim for developing self-defence, physical and mental health among the students.

. We will try to manage a time slot in the central routine for specially volleyball and other events of sports.

. Our sports team with the collaboration of IQAC and Students’ Union is trying to give some special coaching for both volleyball and different events. We will make all round development among the students by arranging volleyball, gym & other events of sports in our college.

. We are trying to make teams for different indoor and outdoor games. These teams will be trained properly by coaches and they will try to participate in different levels of sports; such as state & national level.

The Sports and Games

The college organizes the annual sports to encourage the students to go for the State Level Athletic Meet. The college has successfully organized the Inter District Non-Govt. Meet and Football Tournament.

Sports have been put to regular use for the all-round development of the students. Students regularly play outdoor games like Football, Cricket, Badminton and Athletics in our college ground and the neighbouring ground. Annual College sports are held every year in this ground for both outdoor and indoor games.

. The college has laid great emphasis on sports and games. The college earmarked the area for sports activities within the College campus with the sole motive of promoting sports culture, health and well-being.

. The Sports Committee has outdoor and indoor sports facilities in the form of large fields and indoor halls for playing different games and separate gyms for boys and girls of the College.

. The sports committee provides sports kits, track-suit and blazer to the players participating in different tournaments.

. The sports committee extends the facilities for playing and organizing tournaments to the other sports bodies of the town.

. The committee regularly hosts tournaments of different levels i.e. Inter-College, neighbour college, etc.


. To place the college among the best sporting college in West Bengal.

. To enhance the image and prestige of the college through sporting activities.

. To encourage mass participation in games & sports for overall personality development.

. To promote students’ sports participation and to create awareness about the benefits of Physical Education & sports and to spread sports culture among students.

. To provide systematic coaching programme by involving qualified & competent personnel to groom college teams & sports talent.

. To generate good players through a harmonious blend of ancient and modern techniques and to search sports talent at the college level and to groom them as better performers.

. To enhance our reputation as a sports committee which is recognized for its excellence and achievements, and attracts the best students.

. To project the potentials of the college by organizing Intercollegiate tournaments.

. To develop adequate and standard sports infrastructure facilities like playgrounds, gymnasium, and procure quality equipment.

. To involve alumni & other agencies to contribute financially to the development of sports.


The college is equipped with outdoor and indoor games activities and these mass gathering outdoor games are conducted in the Indira Maidan. At present we are hosting and participating in the following games:-












Prizes and trophies are awarded to the successful participants in the annual sports meet. A special prize is awarded each year to the student for an outstanding performance in sports and games. College students also participate in Inter- government College Sports Meet and some individual students also have played in district level.

Contact Details

208, B/2, Dum Dum Rd, Chatakol,
Lakshminagar, Dum Dum, Kolkata,
West Bengal
Pin- 700074.

033-25609988 (10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Except Holidays)
