Dum Dum Motijheel Rabindra Mahavidyalaya (1968)

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Regd. u/s 2(f) and 12B of the U.G.C. Act., NAAC Accredited B+ | RUSA 2.0 Funded Institution

ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 | ISO 50001:2018 Certified Institution

Disable Friendly Atmosphere


Adequate supply of water for drinking and cleaning purposes is provided.


College has a beautifully decorated spacious auditorium, which is utilized for conducting social functions, meetings, seminars, exhibitions and other short programmes of the college.


Our college has a field but the sports like Football, 800/400/100 metres Race, High Jump, Long Jump etc are not conducted in our field, instead they're conducted in Indira Maidan. The college possesses a wide courtyard where the students organize indoor games e.g. table tennis, badminton and carom competition in which the teachers, non-teaching staff, and students participate.


Every bonafide student of our college must possess a college identity card, which must be duly endorsed by the Principal. The identity card must be renewed every academic session. Each and every student has to show his/her identity card as and when the same is required for verification. For obtaining identity card students are asked to clear their dues in time. For loss of identity card, a duplicate identity card will be issued for which a police diary is a must documentary evidence.


Monthly Railway Concession orders are usually issued by the college office to the bonafide students of the college who come from suburban areas. Railway concession form will be issued by the college office. For obtaining railway concession students are to clear all dues within the stipulated time.


The college has a Wifi facility for the students and staff.


Our college possesses the lift facility for the benefit of the teachers, students and staff of our college. Especially for the physically challenged people the lift is indispensable. There is the facility of ramp for a person with physical disability requiring the support of a wheelchair. Almost every floor has separate washrooms for ladies and gents and also separate washrooms for teachers and staff.


In order to overcome the troubles at the time of power cuts our own installed generator can provide power supply to meet up with the crisis.

Contact Details

208, B/2, Dum Dum Rd, Chatakol,
Lakshminagar, Dum Dum, Kolkata,
West Bengal
Pin- 700074.

033-25609988 (10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Except Holidays)
