Dum Dum Motijheel Rabindra Mahavidyalaya (1968)

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Regd. u/s 2(f) and 12B of the U.G.C. Act., NAAC Accredited B+ | RUSA 2.0 Funded Institution

ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 | ISO 50001:2018 Certified Institution


What is Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)?

The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was introduced by West Bengal State University (WBSU) in the year 2018. As the University Grants Commission (UGC) moved away from the conventional marks-based percentage system, it aimed to introduce a credit system which could match the international educational pattern to be found in the USA, UK, Japan among others. The UGC argued that the percentage-based evaluation system restricted the students from studying the courses/subjects of their choice and considerably limited their mobility between institutions. In order to bridge that gap, the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was put forward, which allows a student to study according to his/her interests. Students can choose from inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary, and skill-based courses. They also have the provision to opt for additional courses and can score more than the required number of credits. This also makes for easier inter-college/university migration within the country and as well as internationally.

Structure of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) System

The CBCS follows the semester and credit system. Assessments are done semester-wise. There are two semesters in each academic year and each semester typically implies 90 days of teaching. A three-year undergraduate course thus has six semesters.The number of credits allotted varies according to the type of paper viz Core, Elective and AEC. The performance of students in each paper and semester is represented by a grade. Semester grade points are used to calculate the final grade point average of the student at the end of the course.

Outline of the CBCS System

There are three main courses in a semester-core, Elective/Minor courses, and Ability Enhancement Course (AEC). All the three courses are evaluated and accessed to provide a fair, balanced, and comprehensive result.

Core Course: A course which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a Core requirement of the chosen discipline(s).

Elective Course: Generally a Course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be very specific subject of study, which provide an extended scope or an exposure to some other discipline. Elective Course include (a) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE), the main discipline /Subject of study; (b) Generic Elective (GE) Course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject.

Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): These are of two types: (a) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) which consists of (i) Environmental Science, (ii) English Communication/MIL (Modern Indian language; (b) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). These courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc.

Examination under the CBCS System

The evaluation of each paper consists of two parts: internal assessment and external assessment. Internal evaluations are done at the college level by respective teachers handling the course. Each paper has an internal assessment component of 25 marks, out of which 5 marks are awarded for attendance. Assignment and class tests account for the remaining 20 marks. The external assessment component of 50 marks is carried out by the University

For all the students obtaining admission under the three year under graduate program under CBCS the period to complete the course will be a maximum five years from the year of admission from the year of the first semester. A student will get the opportunity to clear any backlog paper when the same semester examination is held next year.

Contact Details

208, B/2, Dum Dum Rd, Chatakol,
Lakshminagar, Dum Dum, Kolkata,
West Bengal
Pin- 700074.

033-25609988 (10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Except Holidays)
